Find the best deals on flights using your credit card points
Turn everyday purchases into dream vacations. Save 40%-90% when booking your next flight with points through our point transfer instructions.
Save 40%-90% when booking your next flight with points.
Flights 40%-90% off retail prices
Clear instructions to book with top airlines
Search flexibly up to a year at a time
Recommendations to earn more points
Your credit card points are worth more than you think
We find the best transfer options to maximize your points' value — for free.

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Get free, personalized flight deals in your inbox. We find the points transfers that save you thousands.

Recommended by industry experts

Book flights for a fraction of the cost
We search over 150 airlines to find the best transfers to maximize your points.

Stretch your points further with our transfer instructions
More options: Access 200+ airlines, including premium cabins
Better value: Often 2-5x better redemption rates than cash back or card portals
Pointhound simplifies it: We find the best deals across all your points

Join 50,000+ travelers maximizing their points
“Never thought I'd get to try those fancy lie-flat seats. Used Pointhound and suddenly I'm in business class to London, all on points.”
Mark, Phoenix
Pointhound is the only free site designed to help everyone earn and redeem credit card points optimally & responsibly.
Our mission is simple — we're here to get you free flights. More broadly, we aim to inspire curiosity, and cultivate appreciation for our interconnected world by making travel more accessible.